Thursday, 13 September 2012


RnB songs carry the convention of love which appeals to 18-24 year olds that have experienced or are experiencing love. They are considered as songs that can be related to too by the singers audienc. However those that are younger would appeal to the songs as they wish to be like the other young adults.

Conventions within an RnB song would include the physical looks of the artist, the relationship that the artist has or any other extras that are included within the piece. Also within RnB music videos the aspect of the artist showing off his/ hers expensive possesions. For example cars and jewellery.

Modern RnB artists such as Nelly have large fanbases (2.4 million twitter followers). The majority of these 'followers' are people that use inspirational lyrics or phrases to relate to. Which can be viewed within the description of there twitter page. From Nelly's music video 'Just a Dream' on youtube we see that it is a mainstream song with 126 million views. We also see that the top demographic of the song is females aged 13-17, this strengthens the view that RnB music would also appeal to younger generations that wish that the song would appeal to them and that the would be in the same situation. A perfect example of a member of the audience using the song to relate is through a comment on the video on youtube saying, 'Right to the heart'.

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