Tuesday, 11 December 2012


does the song relate to the visuals ??
.yes emotional
.not really the visuals do not really fit the lyrics
.no it wasn't about money
.yes simple but effective
.yes song goes with the video
.yes worked hard ballet dancer always practicing
.yes the lyrics relate to the situation she is in
.yes the girl is trying to dance even though she is troubled
.yes the words match the visuals

What impressions are you getting of our artist ?
.that he had a struggle , and a lot of emotions
.that he is motivated by money
.that has had a hard life 
.hardcore because of the set
.a very personal performance
. has been through the problems that the song is about
.calm collected
.meaning full

How far is the video an r&b
.very far
.looks like an r&b video
.it is quite representative of r&b
.its very " street"
.yes very especially the clothes he is wearing
. yes very typical r&b lay out
.very fits the classical characteristics of an r&b videos
. similar to typical r&b videos
.a little bit
.not really

Do you have any criticism
.maybe a change is needed when the music tempo picks up
.i don't really understand why the girl was doing ballet
.story of the video isn't to clear
.could be a bit more upbeat
.no its great
.the video doesn't fit the lyrics
.better lighting
.could link a bit better with the video
.no it was very well put together.

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