Tuesday, 23 October 2012


TIME (4:32)
Shot 1
·         Establishing shot
Establishing shot of TV (crackled)
0:00 – 0:08
Shot 2
·         Close up shot of artist
·         Cross fade

Close up of artist in location 1 (warehouse) posing
0:08 – 0:13
Shot 3
(Drama Studio)
·         Establishing shot
·         Cross fade
Establishing shot of artist on TV in warehouse. Starts singing.
0:13 – 0:20
Shot 4
·         Establishing shot
·         Pan left or right
Establishing shot of girl sat on bed looking upset (smudge mascara?)
0:20 – 0:25
Shot 5
·         Long shot
·         Direct on
Long shot of artist singing into camera
0:25 – 0:29
Shot 6
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
0:29 – 0:32
Shot 7
·         Long shot
·         Direct on
Long shot of artist singing into camera
0:32 – 0:35
Shot 8
·         Close up
·         High angle
·         Pan left or right?
Close up of character. Once again crying (smudged mascara?)
0:35 – 0:37
Shot 9
·         Close up
·         Direct on
Close up shot of artist singing into camera
0:37 – 0:40
Shot 10
·         Close up
·         Slow mo?
Close up shot of mother shouting
0:40 – 0:44
Shot 11
·         Long shot
·         Direct on
Long shot of artist singing into camera
0:44 – 0:49
Shot 12
·         Close up
·         Direct on
Close up shot of artist singing into camera
0:49 – 0:50

Shot 13
·         Close up
·         High angle
·         Pan left or right?

Close up of character. Once again crying (smudged mascara?)
0:50 – 0:53
Shot 14
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
0:53 – 0:58
Shot 15
·         Close up
·         Low to High angle
Character jumps up and shouts back at Mother
0:58 – 1:02
Shot 16
·         Mid shot
Character walks away from camera past mother and out the door
1:02 – 1:04
Shot 17
·         Long shot
·         Low angle
Character quickly making way down stairs
1:04 – 1:07
Shot 18
·         Close up
·         Direct on
Close up of artist singing into camera
1:07 – 1:11
Shot 19
·         Close up
Close up of a set of keys being taken by the character
1:11 – 1:12
Shot 20
·         Long shot
Long shot of character walking through park with trees either side
1:12 – 1:15
Shot 21
·         Long Shot
·         Direct on
Long shot of artist singing into camera
1:15 – 1:17
Shot 22
·         Long shot
Character walks through door into studio
1:17 – 1:21
Shot 23
·         Close up
·         Pan left
Close up of character hiding her emotions 
1:21 – 1:24
Shot 24
·         Mid shot
Character takes first two steps of dance
1:24 – 1:25
Shot 25
·         Long shot
Character goes to do the leapey thing
1:25 – 1:27
Shot 26
·         Low angle shot
·         Slow mo?
Character does the leap over the top of the camera
1:27 – 1:29
Shot 27
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
1:29 – 1:35
Shot 28
·         Long shot
·         Direct on
Long shot of artist singing into camera
1:35 – 1:44
Shot 29
·         Close up
·         (Direct on)
Close up of artist singing into camera
1:44 – 1:48
Shot 30
·         Close up
Character taking a drink whilst sat on the floor
1:48 – 1:50
Shot 31
·         Long shot
Character feeling ankle, in pain
1:50 – 1:53
Shot 32
·         Over shoulder of character
·         Low angle
Character walks out studio past another performer, other performer looks down her nose at the character
1:53 – 1:55
Shot 33
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
1:55 – 2:02
Shot 34
·         Close up
·         Direct on
Close up shot of artist singing into camera. Put hands together when ‘praying’ is said
2:02 – 2:09
Shot 35
·         Mid shot
Character is sat on bed looking emotional
2:09 – 2-11
Shot 36
·         Close up
Close up of character revealing more emotions
2:11 – 2:13
Shot 37
·         Long shot
·         Direct on
Long shot of artist singing into camera
2:13 – 2:18
Shot 38
·         Close up
Close up of character taking a deep breath
2:18 – 2:19
Shot 39
·         Mid shot
Character takes first few steps into dance routine
2:19 – 2:22

Shot 40
·         Long shot
·         Direct on
Long shot of artist singing into camera
2:22 – 2:27
Shot 41
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
2:27 – 2:31
Shot 42
·         Mid shot
Character continues to dance
2:31 – 2:34
Shot 43
·         Long shot
Character continues to dance
2:34 – 2:39
Shot 44
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
2:39 – 2:43

Shot 45
·         Close up

Close up shot of character taking a drink then moving hair
2:43 – 2:47
Shot 46
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
2:47 – 2:52
Shot 47
·         Close up
·         Direct on
Close up of artist singing into camera. Artist points to sky
2:52 – 2:55
Shot 48
·         Long shot
Character dancing
2:55 – 2:59
Shot 49
·         Mid shot
Character dancing
2:59 -  3:08
Shot 50
·         Close up
·         Direct on
Close up of artist singing into camera
3:08 – 3:12
Shot 51
·         Mid shot
Character finishing routine
3:12 – 3:17

Shot 52
·         Close up
Close up of character feeling exhausted
3:17 – 3:21
Shot 53
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
3:21 – 3:25
Shot 54
·         Close up
Close up of character looking tired and looks away from camera
3:25 – 3:29
Shot 55
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
3:29 – 3:33
Shot 56
·         Close up
Character looks past the camera towards the door and smiles
3:33 – 3:37
Shot 57
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
3:37 – 3:46
Shot 58
·         Close up
·         Direct on
Close up of artist singing into camera
3:46 – 3:50
Shot 59
·         Close up
Character takes a deep breath
3:50 – 3:51
Shot 60
·         Mid shot
Character takes a set up stance
3:51 – 3:54
Shot 61
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
3:54 – 4:02
Shot 62
·         Long shot
Character begins dance with enjoyment
4:02 – 4:07
Shot 63
·         Close up
Close up of character in motion with a smile
4:07 – 4:08
Shot 64
·         Mid shot
·         Direct on
Mid shot of artist singing into camera
4:08 – 4:11
Shot 65
·         Long shot
·         Direct on
Long shot of artist singing into camera
4:11 – 4:15
Shot 66
·         Close up
·         Direct on
Close up of artist singing into camera
4:15 – 4:19
Shot 67
·         Mid shot
Character finishes routine
4:19 – 4:24
Shot 68
·         Close up
Character looks to door again and smiles
4:24 – 4:25
Shot 69
·         Mid shot
Mid shot of artist singing into camera. Final pose
4:25 – 4:27
Shot 71
·         Establishing shot
Shot of crackled TV
4:27 -  4:32

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